Sunday, June 20, 2010


Hello everyone!! Bet this is a surprise :) The ocean was getting a bit choppy so we stopped at an island with some very nice people that are letting us stay at their house! And they have internet and showers!! yay!! Showers, great people, friendly dogs and a great view = I feel like I'm in paradise!

Talking about paradise, we stayed at paradise beach for the past couple days. We stayed a couple days at a beautiful beach called Buccaneer's Bay just because it was so gorgeous. There is two islands, South and North Thormamby Island and this huge sandbar between the two. We camped right by the sandbar so we had beautiful sandy beaches on both sides, water and then snowcapped mountains in the distance. Apparently, this is possibly the most beautiful beach on the B.C. coast!

We had great weather for the last couple days, clear blue skies. I finally understood why this stretch is called the Sunshine Coast. The clouds blow right over the Strait of Georgia and then get caught in the mountains but on the coast, it is sunshine happiness!!

Our schedule these days is waking up at around 7:30, eating breakfast, having tea and packing up camp and heading out by 10 am (we're really trying to get a move on earlier but can't seem to get out before 10 am!), kayaking until the early afternoon (around 1 to 2pm, sometimes 3 or 4) because that's when the wind picks up and the seas get a bit choppy. then we set up camp and try to do some fishing!

We are definitely getting stronger arms and it is not too much to do 16km in a day anymore. I really like the lifestyle of waking up and paddling on the ocean everyday. Our kayaks, especially when loaded up with stuff, is so sturdy in the waves. I have named my kayak Wave Dancer because she is born for the waves and just cuts right through them.

We're not moving too fast but really enjoying the time. We're catching lots of rock cod but it is a lot of work catching and preparing our own food everyday. So far, we have been catching every second day's dinner and such. We're going to stop in Powell River and stock up on lots of food! We're going to keep with the catching our own food but maybe not every meal. I have a lot more respect for foraging people (and I had a lot of respect for them before!). It is hard work and takes up a lot of your day!

Anyways, sending lots of love. We are doing great and staying safe. We are absolutely loving this life!!

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