The Project

We are working with the World Community Alliance Network (CAN), a non-governmental charity organization that seeks to encourage and develop local leadership and local initiatives in underdeveloped rural areas mainly in East Africa. We are both close friends with a founder of the organization, Santiago Perez, and we find their work in Africa to be really inspirational, especially in how it encourages local ingenuity and creativity. With this project, we are raising money to buy chickens for the Mama na Dada organization in Western Kenya which features a community child care program for HIV/AIDs and malaria orphans.

The chicken project is simple but yet has the potential to increase nutrition and help initiate a sustainable livelihood where the organization is able to sell the surplus eggs, which then also increases nutrition in the community. The main source of protein in the community are little fish fished from Lake Victoria, which can be quite expensive. Consequently, as meals predominately center around a maize meal doughy bread called ugali, people can have food but lack necessary nutrients. Undernutrition may lead to deficiencies in immune system, growth, mental development and all around a lower rate of health. Eggs are powerful little packages of nutrition filled with important protein, vitamins and minerals.

We are jumping into the project in phase 2. The Community Alliance Network has already built a nice, firm concrete building for the birds in phase 1 and it is ready to fill with chicks.

Phase 2 of the project stocking it with 82 squawking, bumbling little chicks. It includes the vaccines and training, as well as six months of feed, the time needed for the chicks to grow up and start laying and generate the income to buy more feed. Additionally, it also includes an emergency fund so a tragic disease wiping through the stock wouldn't mean the end of the program. All in all, with everything included, it comes out to be about $16 a chicken. Our goal is about $1300 or 82 chickens! 

For more information, the following are links to the websites of:

Community Alliance Network NGO

Mama na Dada